St Salvator’s Chapel Choir

The Chapel Choir of the University of St Andrews

Lightbox St Andrews Photography

Upcoming Performances

Bach’s St John Passion Concert, 21st March, 7.30pm

Bach’s St John Passion Afternoon Concert, 23rd March, 3.00pm

St Margaret Catholic Mass, including Kodály’s Missa Brevis, 13th November, 5.30pm

Easter Day, 20th April, University Service, 11am

Final Evensong of the Semester with Combined University Choirs, 23rd April, 5.30pm

Choir Tour to Denmark 4th April – 10th April

5th April: Concert, Trinitatis Kirk, Copenhagen, 15.00

6th April: 10.30 Eucharist, St Albans Anglican Church, Copenhagen

6th April: 17.00 Service with Roskilde Cathedral Girl’s Choir (Roskilde Cathedral)

9th April: Evening Concert in Hellerupkirke

Latest CD

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